Technology Insurance

Accidents Happen! Consider Purchasing LFS Technology Insurance

Little Flower School believes that technology can be used as a powerful tool to support effective instructional practices and prepares students to be high school, career, and citizenship ready with real ­world experiences. To support student's understanding of technology and its applications in and outside of the classroom, Little Flower has a 1-to-1 computing program so that every student will have access to a computing device. Students in grades K through 1 will receive Apple iPad devices. Students in grades 2 through 12 will receive Chromebooks. These devices are intended for in-school use but may be sent home if deemed necessary by the school.

With much support from our generous Home School Association, we provide these devices with NO INITIAL COST TO FAMILIES for the device. Students, however, are responsible for the care of their Chromebook/iPad and all related accessories. 

The device is the property of Little Flower School. Just as with textbooks and other school-owned property assigned to students, parents and students will be held responsible for vandalism, theft, loss and/or excessive damage to the device beyond its normal warranty. It is up to parents to decide whether or not to purchase Little Flower Technology Insurance. The Chromebook computer and iPad tablets are valued at $300.

If you would like to purchase insurance, the cost is $35 and good for the full academic year, please use the secure payment form below. 


Technology Insurance Payment Form